About Me
- Name: Angelicatas
- Location: Madrid, Spain
What I believe about fine art nude: -Nude is beautiful. -Nude has much more to do with freedom and expression than with sex. -Nude has much more to do with sense than with sex. -Beauty has no rules, no size, no color, no age, no sex. -If you feel free to express yoursef, then you are beautiful -There is no reason to be shocked for a naked body. We all have one. We all look at our naked body at least once a day when we take a shower. -Pornography does not exist, just bad taste.
Previous Inspirations
- Mitsuo Suzuki
- Ira Bordo
- Pilar Pequeño
- Kenneth Rimm
- Daniel Aeschlimann
- Alexander Straulino
- Alina Lebedeva
- Eric Alan Pritchard
- Carlo Bellavia
- Vitaly Bakhvalov
Wow. I like all your stuff. I wish I could take photos that looked like these.
Acudir a este rincón es siempre una aventura, onírica aventura.
Gracias por tu mirada,
I appreciate your blog and have linked to it. Thank you for your contribution.
Nice manipulation of light.Not to mention the photos are fantastic also.
You've got some great pictures here. Some are leaning a bit towards the borders of cliché, but every one of them is a work of pure beauty.
Thank you very much for your kind comments. Feel free to come back to check the newest inspirations.
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