About Me
- Name: Angelicatas
- Location: Madrid, Spain
What I believe about fine art nude: -Nude is beautiful. -Nude has much more to do with freedom and expression than with sex. -Nude has much more to do with sense than with sex. -Beauty has no rules, no size, no color, no age, no sex. -If you feel free to express yoursef, then you are beautiful -There is no reason to be shocked for a naked body. We all have one. We all look at our naked body at least once a day when we take a shower. -Pornography does not exist, just bad taste.
Previous Inspirations
- Dmitry Ageev
- Martin Iman
- Renée Jacobs
- Werner Bischop
- Richard Warren
- Thomas Wilker
- Thorsten Jankowski
- Nicolas Guérin
- Aneta Bartos
- Neil Snape
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